




Is the "art of leadership" changing?

Stetind is Norway´s national mountain. When you climb it you think " this is impossible". But you have trained, you have a plan and you are extremely focused. You take a grip at the time, you continously analyze and you consider options. And then you challenge yourself and your team. You lead your group across the famous and critical part called the "10 damned finger takes" and finally reach the top. 

To lead is so many things, and so different things. First and foremost - leadership is important, because we all need good leaders. Good leaders create value in all definitions of the word. In todays world of greater uncertainties, new technology, new business models and a much higher speed of  change, "the art of leadership" is indeed changing. 

The leader´s ability to develop and nurture culture and behaviours is more important than ever. In times where established frameworks and structures are changing faster and faster, your organisation´s "self-navigation abilities" are vital. Your ability as a leader to nurture your organisations´s curiosity and ability to act, experiment and test is key.

And still - even with digitalization, new business models and disruption - it will always be the case that leadership also is about "the tradiotinal leadership virtues". 

miway is about making a difference in leadership development. Through Chairmanship in Boards, advisory engangements and executive mentoring I try do my part.

Walter Qvam